Approved area
Authority controlling the area
Aviation reference number (ARN)
Beyond visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS)
Hazardous operations
Hire or reward
Populous area
Visual line of sight (VLOS)
The area approved under regulation 101.030 as an area approved for the operation of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA).
The entity that has control and has been authorised to manage that type of airspace, e.g.:
• Prohibited – the secretary to the Department of Defence.
• Restricted – the authority mentioned in the aeronautical information publication (as issued from time to time) as the controlling authority for the area.
• Danger area – the authority mentioned in the aeronautical information publication (as issued from time to time) as the controlling authority for the area.
A customer reference number issued by CASA to individual people or organisations for the administration of pilots, engineers and operators to obtain any form of license or certification from CASA.
Flying an RPA without the remote pilot having a visual line of sight at all times. Instead, the remote pilot flies the aircraft from a remote pilot station (RPS) which must be approved by CASA before being conducted.
A person must not operate an unmanned aircraft in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft, person or property. Refer to CASR 101.055.
The term adopted by CASA to define commercial UAV/UAS/RPAS use. Any form of remuneration for flying an unmanned aircraft in an aerial work operation (AWO), however small the AWO task, the reward or UAV; it constitutes ‘hire & reward’ and is therefore defined as commercial. Refer to CASR101.270.
An area with a sufficient population density that if a fault in, or failure of, the unmanned aircraft (or rocket) poses an unreasonable risk to the life, safety or property of a person in the area who is not connected with the operation. Refer to CASR101.025.
Keeping the unmanned aircraft in visual line of sight at all times unaided (except for prescription glasses or sunglasses) without the use of binoculars, telescopes or zoom lenses i.e. not flying the into clouds or fog, behind trees, buildings or other (even partial) obstructions.